Reflective piece: The final assignment

The final assignment for new media three was probably the most relaxed I have felt about an assignment to date. From the very beginning, I knew I was going to use gender links as my NGO because gender issues are always close to my heart.
Once I figured out the organisation I was going to used I decided to choose their report on gender in the media. The reason for this, I’m sure is pretty obvious because duh I am a journalist and the media is me, and I am the media.
My favorite part of this assignment had to be the willingness of Snakhona Zuma, someone I barely knew, to share her story with me and help me out in compiling the assignment and putting a human face to my news story.
What I didn’t enjoy about the assignment was my own procrastination. My laziness resulted in my printing the day of the assignment and causing myself unnecessary stress, #WhyDoIDoThisToMyself.
All-in-all this was a good way to finish off new media three and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Let’s just hope my marks reflect my effort.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Phuindile says:

    All the best for your future in journalism. Stay motivated.


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